This past Sunday, local churches around the country were blessed with full congregations! So many people came to church, even those who don’t normally go except on Christmas or Easter. But Easter is unique. Each year thousands of people go to the mall and buy a new suit or a new dress; or they wait […]
Category: Faith
These posts are primarily focused on my faith in God, what the Bible says about the issues of life, and how these affect my life.
Are Ghosts Real?
The other day, I was driving past some creatively decorated homes, with spooky life-sized halloween “characters” on their front porch. I began thinking back to a Bible study I participated in some time ago about Ghosts, and other spooky halloween “apparitions”. I began dusting the cobwebs of my brain, trying to remember exactly what the Bible says […]
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge for Christians
My day has finally come! (sense the sarcasm?) I have received the Ice Bucket challenge for ALS. I can choose to accept the challenge and donate $100 to ALS research or I can “cop out” and donate a smaller amount if I agree to dump a bucket of ice over my head. I’d like to say […]
We are all Addicts: Part 2
If you haven’t read Part 1 of this series, please take a moment to do so before reading this Part 2. I showed you that we are all addicts (yes, even me): How we all have something that captivates our focus and energy more than anything else. These “so-called” addictions can be perceived as good […]
We are all Addicts: Part 1

I know it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve posted anything to my blog. I apologize for not keeping in touch with you, as my valued reader. But this topic has such an impact on all of our lives I wanted – no, I needed – to take my time and prayerfully make sure that […]
3 things you didn’t know about the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Who signed it? 56 delegates from the 13 colonies signed the Declaration of Independence. Many, but not all, of these men were lawyers. There were several doctors, plantation owners, business men, preachers, even farmers! Several religious denominations were represented by this group of men as well, yet God remained at the forefront of these delegates minds […]
My Salvation Testimony
A good friend of mine, Jeff Johnson challenged me to write out my salvation testimony in “elevator pitch” form. Why write it? And why in “elevator pitch” form? Because writing it in short form forces you to think through it and include only the necessary details so you don’t lose the attention of your audience. […]